Monday 22 November 2010

Another Good Month - But More Appointments

Thursday the 18th saw yet another appointment at clinic for me. For some reason this time I was very anxious about it. No reason to be as my consultant said. My hb was good my red and blood cells were good and stable. My immune system was still low and I should avoid infection and if I did get an infection ring my team straight away. The best news is my paraproteins are still untraceable. No sign of the Myeloma. Yippee!!!
Now I start a week of appointments for the Diabetes. On Wednesday I see the Dietitian, who no doubt will tell me to loose weight and stop eating cakes, biscuits and sweets. and eat more fruit veg and exercise more. Then on Monday the 29th I get my eyes scanned and feet checked. Oh great joy. 
Still bouncy bouncy happy though just like tigger xx

Tuesday 2 November 2010

Onset of Type 2 Diabetes

The results of my glucose tolerance test shows that I have the onset of Type2 Diabetes. I have had an app with a nurse that runs the diabetic clinic at my GP practice. She advised that I avoid fast sugars, such as cakes, sweets biscuits all the stuff that we all like. Concentrating on the food stuff in the carbohydrate range and protein ranges. The kind of stuff we don't like such as more vegetables more fruit and white meat such as chicken also some fish courses. 
I was also told that appointments would be made for me to have my eyes and feet checked and another one for me to see a dietitian to advise me in the way of eating. Oh great joy!!
I am off to the bookies now going to put a bet on..... I have a touch of Asthma(though it doesn't really bother me), a thyroid problem and Myeloma now they have said Type 2 diabetes. So the bet is can i get pregnant by Christmas.

Wednesday 29 September 2010

Glucose Tolerance Test

My glucose tolerance test came around quickly. I had to fast from 8pm last night until my test finished around 10.45 this morning.
The nurse took my blood then made me drink what tasted like liquid sugar then asked me to wait in the waiting room for two hours until she next took my blood. I asked why wait so long. Its to make sure you just sit and don't do any exercise or work off the glucose while you are working.
Sitting in a doctors surgery for two hours isn't much fun. coughs colds, splutters moans and groans. I wonder if she knew about my compromised immune system. You get some funny looks as people go in and out of the surgery and your name isn't being called out.
All I have to do now is wait for the results. Another week of waiting for results.

Thursday 23 September 2010

Another Hurdle

I am still going to the gym. my stamina is still increasing. However, my walking distance isn't bad but is still not great. my right leg and hip still aches and my right foot still scuffs when I walk, but progress is being made.
I saw my consultant today. He tells me that my bloods are picking up nicely. the platelets are OK, white and red cells are picking up. My Neutrophills are still low and I am still vulnerable to infections and should be careful. the good news is that my Paraprotien is still un-traceable so I have another clear month.
The hot flushes I have been suffering have been increasing and often have three or four in a day. I have experienced some bad ones that seem to take it out of me I have to sit for a while to recover. My care team have tested me and its definitely not to do with my Myeloma and suggested I talk to my GP.
The tests have been taken more blood believe it or not. i have had two sets of them and now I have to have another fasted Glucose Tolerance Test the GP tells me that I am in a pre-diabetic state. More tablets perhaps who knows but I am still smiling.

Saturday 31 July 2010

Still Clear

I have been having some flushes recently, starting at my head and running down my chest. I spoke to my nurse who started me on a course of blood checks, urine checks and a heart trace which all came back clear.
The consultants registrar on Thursday didn't seemed too concerned but did say I had to call the team if they become worse or worry me more. As far as my clinic results are concerned. My platelets are up, my haemoglobin is up. My neutrophils remain low but haven't changed so that's good. Best news of all my paraprotien has remained un-traceable. So another clear month for me.
I did tell him that I was going to a gym not sure what his reply was as I was still hearing no paraprotien again this month. However I have progressed at the gym. I am now using two machines each of them for half an hour at a time. My stamina is building up, not sure about my walking or the distance I can walk yet, I still seem to wobble when I walk and my right foot still seems to scuff as I walk.

Thursday 15 July 2010

I Have Started To Go To The Gym

I went to the gym yesterday for the first time in I don't know how many years. The fitness instructor was very kind, he listened to all of my do's and don'ts. Then took me into the gym itself.
I used a cycle machine for about 7 minutes and a cross trainer for 11 minutes. He wouldn't let me work any longer than that for the first time. However, he did say that if I feel up to it he would suggest trying to get to the gym 3 times a week, all for short sessions like yesterday. The sweat was pouring out of me, but I did it.
I am a little achey this morning but much better than I thought I would be. I am aiming to get there tomorrow energy permitting.

Monday 31 May 2010

8 Week Appointments

My Appointment with my consultant went well on Thursday. All my levels have lifted, and my paraprotiens have stayed untraceable again. He is very happy with my progress and to be honest so am I. I m now taking some exercise. Not every day, but every other day to build my stamina up. I have started walking more and have achieved some fair distance. Not quite a marathon yet but Linford Christie may be impressed. I can do one hundred yards in about 5 minutes. WOW!!!
The upshot of the appointment was all of my bloods were good my B12's weren't mentioned so they mustn't be causing a concern. And he has now put me on an 8 week appointment cycle. I must be going the right way.

Tuesday 13 April 2010


Since my last entry I have been to see my back specialist. He told me that the problem at the base of my spine is wear and tear not much except pain relief, exercise and lose weight will help. The disc in my spine is a little more worrying. He feels the operation to put it right may be too much for me just now and unless I am in pain or discomfort all the time. He would prefer to not do it.
I went to see my Haemotologist last week too. He said he is happy with my weight and if I feel comfortable with it, he wouldn't say I needed to loose any. The conditin remains clear and I have been put onto a six weekly appointment. so good news there.

I will keep you posted.

Thursday 11 March 2010


It has been a while since I have posted, so here is just a quick update. I have seen the bone man now. He has had me undergo some nerve function tests. It seems that the disc that is at the top of my spine pushing against my spinal cord is causing problems for me. I will herar his outcome on the 1st of April.
My body has forgotten how to produce the vitamin B12. to compensate that, I have had to have a course of 6 B12 injections to build it all up. And possibly all I would need after the levels have picked up again are booster injections every 3 month.
Best news of all I have kept until last. The hematology consultant today said the best word that anyone can hope for. He said that I have reached REMISSION - yeah that's right REMISSION
I am floating now that's a word I so wanted to hear after all this time. Happiness for me today. Long may it continue.