Saturday 29 November 2008

Stem Cell Harvest

At my weekly visit to hospital, My Key Nurse gave me a booklet, telling me all about the ins and outs of Stem Cell Harvest and Transplant.

We did talk about it sometime ago, but it would seem that the Doctor now suggests that it would be a good idea to talk about it just the otherside of christmas. With a view to early February or March for the procedure.

There seem many questions that I have to ask him first. and at that meeting i will be armed with a book full of them.

Next step in the healing process I think but I just need to be sure in my head that it's the right one for me.

Monday 17 November 2008

It's Not All Bad

I have to say, that it's not all bad, this weekend I have had quite a lot of energy. I even managed to complete a full nite shift at Grange Cresc. Without too much of a kick back.

But I am still aware thet I have to be careful and I have to listen to whats happening inside. However, I managed to walk into the village today a full round trip of about 800 yards. doesn't sound very far does it. But for me it was forever. I managed and am proud of it.

Thursday 13 November 2008

Protein Levels

I had an appointment with my consultant today. Beforehand I went through the usual blood test, then waited for the lab to process my blood before seeing the consultant. (The whole process takes less than an hour).

When I saw the consultant he wasn't looking at my notes nor was he writing, which is unusual. Instead he asked me how I was feeling. I told him that I felt fine. That this week I seemed to have a load of energy, not quite where I was this time last year but feeling good.

He said that was good and shared my blood results with me (again this was unusual as he has only ever said that he is pleased with the way things are going).

In April when I was first diagnosed my protein levels were 47.3mg and now they are down to 12.7mg. So my consultant is dancing for joy. We are both happy that I have responded so well to treatment in such a short time. However, he did say that I will be on the CTD programme for another four cycles. (each cycle last three weeks).

Thursday 6 November 2008

Acid Attack

i have been having some acid attacks, while I have been lying down in bed. It starting to worry me. They catch my soft pallet and cause a lot of discomfort and worry.

so much so I am worrying about it. But I am seeing my key nurse tomorrow and I think I will have to mention it to her.

Sleepy days

Contrary to how i have felt recently when taking the steroids, the last two days have been very sleepy days for me.

Today in fact i managed to sleep in for work and was woken by my phone ringing its head off. The voice at the other end sounding worried and asking if i was going in at all today..... nice to be missed i think