Friday 13 May 2011

Clinic Day

I went to my clinic today. I wasn't as nervous but still anxious as I usually am. My results last week were good, so surely today couldn't be any different. Still my friend had to hold my hand to calm me down and keep me from tapping my feet and shuffling around.  

I was right, the good news is My bloods are fine and my Paraprotein is still untraceable. All my levels are still going in the right direction, so all is good there. I asked about the pain in my arm, he said. 'My x-ray had come back clear and that it can only be soft tissue damage similar to Tendinitis or tennis elbow'. It made my friend and me laugh inside as that's what she had said it was a few weeks ago. 

So apart from taking Cocodamol and resting it, there isn't much to do, as it can take up to eight weeks to put itself right.  Before we left he gave me another appointment eight weeks from now. Everything is rosy as they say.

Saturday 7 May 2011

No News

I know it has only been Three days since I was at hospital getting checked out. I would have thought that if there had have been something showing on my x-ray the Doctor would have rang me by now.

So I am working on the principle of no news is good news. However, I will take the question with me to my consultant on Thursday. My arm still aches and still when I pick something up the sharp pain is deep inside my elbow.

Thursday 5 May 2011


My elbow hurts deep inside when I pick something up, it can be anything from a calculator, a cup of tea or a kettle with only a little bit water in. It seems to be anything that puts a strain on my elbow. I have had the pain in my elbow for nearly 3 weeks now.

I contacted my specialist nurse the other day, who suggested I pop in to hospital for a check up. I rolled up to the day unit as arranged and had my blood taken as usual. The results came back good so there is no problem with them. It took 2 hours for the doctor to come around and see me then prescribed a visit to x-ray and brought my clinic appointment forward 2 weeks to discuss the results, that is if there isn't anything  she needs to ring me and talk about before hand.