Monday 22 November 2010

Another Good Month - But More Appointments

Thursday the 18th saw yet another appointment at clinic for me. For some reason this time I was very anxious about it. No reason to be as my consultant said. My hb was good my red and blood cells were good and stable. My immune system was still low and I should avoid infection and if I did get an infection ring my team straight away. The best news is my paraproteins are still untraceable. No sign of the Myeloma. Yippee!!!
Now I start a week of appointments for the Diabetes. On Wednesday I see the Dietitian, who no doubt will tell me to loose weight and stop eating cakes, biscuits and sweets. and eat more fruit veg and exercise more. Then on Monday the 29th I get my eyes scanned and feet checked. Oh great joy. 
Still bouncy bouncy happy though just like tigger xx

Tuesday 2 November 2010

Onset of Type 2 Diabetes

The results of my glucose tolerance test shows that I have the onset of Type2 Diabetes. I have had an app with a nurse that runs the diabetic clinic at my GP practice. She advised that I avoid fast sugars, such as cakes, sweets biscuits all the stuff that we all like. Concentrating on the food stuff in the carbohydrate range and protein ranges. The kind of stuff we don't like such as more vegetables more fruit and white meat such as chicken also some fish courses. 
I was also told that appointments would be made for me to have my eyes and feet checked and another one for me to see a dietitian to advise me in the way of eating. Oh great joy!!
I am off to the bookies now going to put a bet on..... I have a touch of Asthma(though it doesn't really bother me), a thyroid problem and Myeloma now they have said Type 2 diabetes. So the bet is can i get pregnant by Christmas.