Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Sunday Fun

I picked my friend up and we set off for our favourite Farm Shop of all in Weardale. This is the place that sells the Apple Pie that I mentioned in my last consultant post. They serve the best apple pie in Weardale.
After we had our fill of yummy pie, my friend and I drove to a little park and decided to take some exercise. Or should I say have some Frisbie fun, we played Frisbie for about 10 minutes. I got out of breath, did some stretching and jumping but we laughed so much. I even managed to run a few paces. How good is that!
I feel so much better now than I have done for a long time, things are looking up for me in many ways now; including my health. I have more energy than I have had for ages and I am laughing more and more.

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