Friday, 8 July 2011

Hospital Appointment

I had my consultant appointment at clinic yesterday, I was anxious as usual. My tummy was churning my head was full thoughts. I feel good I know there isn't anything that feels wrong or bad. But all the same it's the same every time I go to clinic.
I booked in as usual and sat down with my friend, within minutes my name was called to get my bloods taken. So far so good, though I had put 2.5kilo on. Not sure how that happened (well maybe I do). It's now my tummy churns most, the time between bloods and seeing the consultant.
Within just a few minutes my name is called, my consultant is standing up, not looking at my notes and shook my hand when I went in. I get worried when he does that it's usually bad news.
'How have you been feeling.' he asked, I told him I felt good just my elbow to complain about. He said that was good and started by saying. My red cells are up, my white cells are up. The best news is that My Paraprotein remains undetectable and my Light Chains are within the usual band.
All in all I think we were in the department 15mins that must be a record. My friend and I once again floated out of the department with another appointment for 8 weeks from now. How good is that.
Now where's that apple pie!!!!

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