Saturday, 2 April 2011

Just What The Doctor Ordered

On the 24th of March I went to see my consultant, I waited anxiously in the waiting area. I had my bloods taken and was weighed (my weight has gone up). In the few minutes that pass between bloods and seeing the Consultant. I watch people coming in and going out and try to guage how soon my turn will come about. My tummy is churning, my heart is racing I hate coming here. My friend turned to me and smiled and gave a squeeze of my hand. I smiled back and all is well again.

My turn does come around and I follow the nurse to my consultants room. He asks the usual question. How have you been? I tell him fine no problems and wish he would just get on with it. He looks at the computor and turns to me and says. 'Your white cell count is up, your red cell count is up. Your light chains are within the normal band, but you Neutrophils are still low. However, they are at the highest level I have seen in you so I am not too worried just be careful around infection'. My hand was stretched out searching for my friends but I couldn't find it. 

I remember thinking just get on with it tell me the bit i am here for. 'Your paraprotein levels remain not detected so all of that is good'. He said. Once again we floated out of his room. In the lift i gave my friend the biggest tightest hug I could. We both are so happy now.