Thursday, 11 March 2010


It has been a while since I have posted, so here is just a quick update. I have seen the bone man now. He has had me undergo some nerve function tests. It seems that the disc that is at the top of my spine pushing against my spinal cord is causing problems for me. I will herar his outcome on the 1st of April.
My body has forgotten how to produce the vitamin B12. to compensate that, I have had to have a course of 6 B12 injections to build it all up. And possibly all I would need after the levels have picked up again are booster injections every 3 month.
Best news of all I have kept until last. The hematology consultant today said the best word that anyone can hope for. He said that I have reached REMISSION - yeah that's right REMISSION
I am floating now that's a word I so wanted to hear after all this time. Happiness for me today. Long may it continue.