Wednesday, 22 July 2009

More Work

I have extended my working day from: 10am till 3pm now 10am till 5pm. I didnt think such a small increase would tire me so much but, after only three days I feel wrecked.

Ah well I suppose that it shows that my body still needs time to recover. But my finances say it's time to work, it's such a fine balance isn't it.

Thursday, 16 July 2009

A Result

My consultant told me today that there are no traces of protein in my blood and there hasn't been since my Stem Cell Transplant.

I cant help feeling that I am on a high. Floating like a balloon on helium.

No MRI results though so that was a downer, but nothing is going to stop me enjoying my moment.

Wednesday, 15 July 2009


Well tomorrow I get to see my consultant again. I get my blood taken, he asks how i am doing. This time I should get my MRI results. So we will wait and see.

The thing that worries me most is, both my daughters have friends that are either in Quarantine or have suspected swine flu. I need to get some info now and fast I think.

If I said I was a little scared to think what might happen if I caught it, it would be an understatement.

Sunday, 12 July 2009

Waiting again

I had an MRI scan 2 weeks ago now and am waiting for the results. I suppose i will get them when i visit my consultant on Thursday. I hate the waiting and I hate the fact they don't send you any letters, just make you wait.

This weekend I ventured out on my own in my car, I drove to Stoke, only 183 mile there and the same back. But I did stay the weekend before traveling back.

I did it but really felt shattered at the end of the journey, maybe it was a little too far to drive on my own. but you gotta set your goals haven't you.